Events in Chieti - Best Western Hotel Parco Paglia

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Procession of the Dead Christ

In Holy Week in Abruzzo, the procession of the dead Christ of Chieti is definitely the most solemn and sumptuous for the stage set.
It is the one that best shows the ceremonial formalization of pain and it documents the expressions of a baroque liturgical structure that has structured, according to a precise plan of doctrine, the Catholic liturgy in fixed forms and symbolic.
The procession is organized by Confraternity of the Sacred Mountain of the Dead, but involves the participation of all other brotherhoods, according to a ceremonial established in every detail.
All the brothers wear the 'dress of their association and their carry hooded sign of penance and mourning, while the women, too' them together in associations of religious character, wearing the 'black dress of ceremony.
The procession advancing among the picturesque views of the old town, is made even more spectacular by the presence of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and the glow of the fire that burns in tripods, lighting the path.
The Schola Cantorum of the Cathedral, accompanied by an orchestra of over 150 arches, continuously executes the Miserere by Saverio Selecchy, musician teatino.
The rhythmic step of the bearers of the trophies of the Passion and the statues, said the "rub", is punctuated by "troccola" wooden instrument that during the offices of Holy Week replaces the sound of bells. Of particular artistic value are the statue of 'Sorrows, wearing a gown of heavy silk embroidered wires d' gold, and the coffin of the dead Christ, covered with a veil studded with precious jewels.
Gabriele d 'Annunzio described the Good Friday procession of Chieti as "a fountain of tears", while Francesco Paolo Michetti l' has represented with light colors, but with traits evanescent, setting a 'no perceptible emotion, but touching.
To create an atmosphere today further contribute the darkness of the night and turned on tripods that illuminate the path.


Il Maggio Teatino

Do not know the exact birth date of the calendar of events that goes by the name of "May Teatino"; thanks to documents found in the Historical Archive of the City of Chieti, we can say that in the early nineteenth century there Directors, took the opportunity of the religious festivities related to the patron to sponsor the events on an especially sporty and playful recreational carrying citizenship to live better the city and its urban fabric. Suffice it to recall the famous Horse Racing Berbers, called in dialect "lu ricchapp '', which was suppressed at the end of the century for security reasons.
Besides the strictly religious events, related to the feast of San Giustino, patron of the city, there were those opening of the festivities, which took place on May 10 and which consisted in public Bingo in Piazza San Giustino, in the hot air balloon ride and the big show fireworks.
Reading the news nineteenth century and early twentieth century you will immediately notice that the town in May wore an air of carefree and spring and all citizens filled the streets, squares and public places to watch the various races and manifestations of which were rich these days. I Teatini, therefore, for centuries maintain their ways to honor and pay homage to their patron always showing great devotion and attachment to their city and history.


Mozart Week

During the second week of July Theatre Marrucino ideally ends its season with the ever extraordinary artistic director of the music festival "Mozart Week", now in its thirteenth edition.
Every night, in about 10 salons of eighteenth-century inspiration that cover the most 'picturesque corners of the old town, follow each other until late night concerts and performances of classical music, opera and jazz with the participation of groups and prestigious Italian and foreign artists.


Infiorata of Corpus Christi

The first Flower Festival, held in Italy, for the feast of Corpus Christi, dates back to 1778.
On this occasion, the course Marrucino turns into a beautiful carpet of flower petals that are masterfully composed as many artistic paintings depicting sacred symbols. The Flower Festival closes on May Teatino and opens the summer.
Mozart Week
During the second week of July Theatre Marrucino ideally ends its season with the ever extraordinary artistic director of the music festival "Mozart Week", now in its thirteenth edition.
Every night, in about 10 salons of eighteenth-century inspiration that cover the most 'picturesque corners of the old town, follow each other until late night concerts and performances of classical music, opera and jazz with the participation of groups and prestigious Italian and foreign artists.


Chietinstrada Buskers Festival

Thanks to the love for street art, curiosity, passion for forms of alternative culture, the stubbornness of a group of his friends, in 2006 kicks off the first edition of Chietinstrada Buskers Festival - International Exhibition of Art road - with the bet to convey in the magnificent natural proscenium of the old town of Chieti thousands of artists and spectators.
The ChietinstradaBuskers Festival is among the first four events of this kind in Italy. The secret of its success lies in having organized a demonstration that is, at the same time, a major international exhibition of excellent quality and a festive event popular, in the frame of a very old town rich in artistic, archaeological and architectural. Streets, squares, historic buildings, theater, archaeological remains are the natural stage for the artists and the audience for the spectators. A show in the heart of the story.

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